So here's kinda an update on what's been going on with Risque:
1) Klint and Jordan's voice work was recorded by myself and Willie.
2) Sketched out all 4 stages, and started making an asset list
3) Drank about a whole pot of coffee because I didn't sleep last night.
4) Been watching/playing a shit ton of hyper violent 1990's arcade games.
5) Been trying to network with some more artists so the load is slightly lighter.
I'm gonna take a wee break, have some breakfast or something, then get back to work. I could probably get this whole game done in 48 hours with some help, bout a week or so if I have to draw and script. The only thing I can't do is animation, I'm gonna do (for now) the "Talking Cardboard Cutout Characters" for "cutscenes" which there would only be a fully animated intro and ending, everything else would most likely just be comic panels. (unless some super ambitious animator is like, "Fuck yeah I wanna to the place with the thing!"
Attached is an Alpha build of the first stage.